Tuesday, November 26, 2019
All Quiet on the Western Front2 essays
All Quiet on the Western Front2 essays All Quiet On the Western Front All Quiet on the Western Front, directed by Delbert Mann, is based on the novel written by Erich Maria Remarque. It tells the story of a German schoolboy, Paul Baumer, and a group of his classmates, who journey from fantasies of heroic glory to the real horror of actual soldiering. Their journey is a coming of age tale that centers on the consternation of war and emphasizes the moral, spiritual, emotional, and physical deterioration suffered by the young soldiers. Paul Baumer is a 19-year-old volunteer to the German army during World War I. He and his classmates charge fresh out of high school into military service, hounded by the nationalist ranting of a feverish schoolmaster, Kantorek. Though not all of them want to enlist, they do so in order to save face. Their first stop is boot camp, where life is still laughter and games. "Where are all the medals?" asks one. "Just wait a month and I'll have them," comes the boisterous response. This is their last vestige of boyhood. War slowly begins to strip away the ideals these boy-men once cherished. Their respect for authority is torn away by their disillusionment with their schoolteacher, Kantorek who pushed them to join. This is followed by their brief encounter with Corporal Himmelstoss at boot camp. The contemptible tactics that their superior officer Himmelstoss perpetrates in the name of discipline finally shatters their respect for authority. As the boys, fresh from boot camp, march toward the front for the first time, each one looks over his shoulder at the departing transport truck. They realize that they have now cast aside their lives as schoolboys and they feel the numbing reality of their uncertain futures. After their first two days of fighting, they return to their bunker, where they find neither safety nor comfort. A grizzled veteran, Kat, suggests these 'fresh-faced boys' should return to the c ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
First-Grade Science Projects
First-Grade Science Projects First grade is a great time to introduce students to the scientific method, which involves looking at the world around you, coming up with an explanation for what you observe, testing your hypothesis to see if it could be valid, and then either accepting or rejecting it. Even at such an early grade level, students can begin to learn concepts related to this method. Harness Their Curiosity Young children are innately curious about the world around them. Introducing them to the scientific method helps kids begin to explore what they see, hear, taste, and feel in a systematic way. First-grade projects should be interesting to the student and mostly exploratory in nature. At this age, a teacher or parent needs to help plan the project and offer guidance on a report or poster. Some students may want to make models or perform demonstrations that illustrate scientific concepts. Project Ideas First-grade science offers a wonderful opportunity to explore how things work. Start your first-graders on the road to exploring science fair project ideas with some simple questions that might spark their interest, such as: What type of food attracts the most insects? (You can choose either flies or ants.) What do these foods have in common?In this experiment, students use vinegar to remove the calcium in chicken bones to make them rubbery. Questions for students: What happens to a chicken bone or an egg if you put in vinegar for a day? What would happen after a week? Why do you think it happens? Do all students in the class have the same size hands and feet? Trace outlines of hands and feet and compare them. Do taller students have larger hands and feet or does height not seem to matter?You can also create a fun science project to determine whether mascaras are really waterproof. Simply put mascara on a sheet of paper and rinse it with water. Ask students to explain what happens. Do eight-hour lipsticks really keep their color that long? You may need to review the concept of time with students if they have forgotten or are unfamiliar with hours, minutes, and seconds. Other Project Ideas Spark further interest by suggesting- or assigning- other science fair projects. Asking questions related to each project is the best way to elicit a response from young students. Project-related questions you can ask include: Do clothes take the same length of time to dry if you add a dryer sheet or fabric softener to the load?Do all types of bread grow the same types of mold?Do frozen candles burn at the same rate as candles that were stored at room temperature? All of these questions give you the opportunity to review- or teach- concepts that are important for first-graders. For example, explain to students that room temperature is a range of temperatures that denotes comfortable habitation for people. Talk About Temperature An easy way to demonstrate this idea is to turn up or down the temperature-control gage in the classroom. Ask students what happens when you turn the temperature control up or down. Some other fun projects include letting students figure out if raw eggs and hard-boiled eggs spin the same length of time/number of times, if light affects how fast foods spoil, and if you can tell from todays clouds what tomorrows weather will be. This is a great opportunity to take students outdoors, and as they peer at the sky, discuss the difference in outside temperature compared to inside.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
President Bush's Crime Control Agenda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
President Bush's Crime Control Agenda - Essay Example In the Des Moines IA GOP Debate in 1999, George Bush states his position on gun control: "I'm in favor of keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them like felons & juveniles. I'm for enforcing the laws on the books.... We need to send a signal to people, don't be illegally selling guns and don't be illegally using guns. The best accountability for somebody who breaks the law with a gun is called jail, certain jail" (Who is George Bush 2007). In this statement it becomes notable that even though the president supports gun ownership, he sets specific rules and restrictions on how firearms should be handled. The gun control of Bush allows gun to be primarily used solely for hunting and self-protection. Believing in the right of a citizen and his family to be protected against threats of crimes, he stresses that "law-abiding citizens ought to be able to own a gun" (St. Louis Debate 2000) yet "we ought to get guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them" (St. Louis Debate 2000). Rigorous background checks are put in place in order to ascertain whether a person is allowed to own a gun. However, if gun laws are broken, people are held accountable for the consequences.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International Finance Assessment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
International Finance Assessment - Case Study Example When a firm operates only in the domestic market, both for procuring inputs as well as selling its output, it needs to deal only in the domestic currency. As companies try to increase their international presence, either by undertaking international trade or by establishing operations in foreign countries, they start dealing with people and firms in various nations. Since different countries have different domestic currencies, the question arises as to which currency the trade should be settled in. The settlement currency may either be the domestic currency of one of the parties to the trade, or may be an internationally accepted currency. In this case, Rolls-Royce has agreed on a dollar as the currency for settlement. The mechanism by which the exchange rate between these currencies i.e. the value of one currency in terms of another currency is determined, along with the level and the variability of the exchange rates, can have profound effect on the sales, cost and profits of a fir m. The change in the value of currencies takes place because of the change in the demand for holding that particular currency. The businesses may be affected in a number of ways because of the changing exchange rate. Some of them are as follows: Exchange rates may be of different types like fixed exchange rate, floating exchange rate and also exchange rates with limited flexibility. Different kinds of exchange rate systems have different methods of correcting the disequilibrium between international payments and receipts. This actually is one of the basic functions of these mechanisms. Fixed Exchange Rate System - As the name suggests, under a fixed or pegged exchange rate system the value of a currency in terms of another is fixed. These rates are determined by governments or the central banks of the respective countries. The fixed exchange rates result from countries pegging their currencies to either some common commodity or to some particular currency. There is generally some provision for correction of these fixed rates in case of a fundamental disequilibrium. The Gold Standard System and the Breton Woods System are some of the examples of Fixed Exchange Rate System. There are also particular variations of the fixed rate system like: Currency Board System - Under this system, a country fixes the rate of its domestic currency in terms of a foreign currency, and its exchange rate in terms of other currencies depends on the exchange rates between the other currencies and the currency to which the domestic currency is pegged. The biggest advantage of a currency board system is that it offers stable exchange rates, which act as an incentive for international trade and investment. The discipline enforced on the government and the financial system also helps in improving the macroeconomic fundamentals in the long run. Target Zone Arrangement - A target zone arrangement is system in which a group of countries sometimes get together, and agree to maintain the exchange rat
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Impacts of Negative Leadership Essay Example for Free
Impacts of Negative Leadership Essay Leadership carries considerable influence and responsibility within any organization. Leaders are challenged daily with how to manage this influence effectively. Communication plays a key role in this approach and can have significant impacts to the leader and their staff. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impacts of negative leadership behavior regarding communication and effects on the team as well as the overall organization. Experience with Negative Leadership Behavior Over my career, there have been negative leadership behaviors experienced with both direct mangers and senior management. One of the most destructive is lack of communication. Recently, an executive manager was going to be out of the office for an entire week. This leader has four direct reports of which three are group leaders. The executive manager casually mentions to one of the direct reports that she will be out of the office the following week at a seminar. The direct report appropriately relays this information to their team supervisor to address any concerns or open issues in advance of this absence. The same communication was not made to the remaining three direct reports, in any form, by the executive manager. As the business week of the absence began, the other three direct reports incur an issue require assistance from the executive manager. These managers were rendered unproductive and left wondering when the leader was going to be in the office so that they can discuss the problem at hand. During subsequent discussions, the team supervisor aware of the absence is the one to notify the other three direct reports that their direct manager was out for the week. The gap in communication impacted the teams noted but also other service partners and finally the client due to the delays in resolving the issue timely. It is also important to note that this is not an isolated incident but had happened previously having similar impacts to the same parties noted above. Analysis of Leadership Behavior The leadership behavior described in this experience appears straightforward at the surface but is far reaching in its impact to the firm. The leader showed consistent lack of personal integrity as well as respect and empathy for her staff by not relating her accessibility on a regular basis. It impacts the morale of the direct reports and deteriorates their working relationships ability to collaborate. The leader did not inform all direct reports of her absence. Without a collective knowledge, a subset of the larger reporting team was less effective and efficient during this time. This also created a gap in escalation when issues arose. Lastly it weakens the culture of inclusion. By being excluded, part of the management staff experienced a decrease in satisfaction subsequently affecting their overall performance. Attrition is a by product as well of this negative behavior. Supporting Research of Negative Leadership Behavior â€Å"For it is character through which leadership is exercised, it is character that sets the example and is imitated in turn†¦. The more successfully tomorrow’s manager does his work, the greater will be the integrity required of him†¦. No matter what a man’s general education or his adult education for management, what will be decisive above all, in the future even more than in the past, is neither education nor skill; it is integrity of character†stated Drucker (1954) reiterating the important of reliability in leadership positions. Leading by example creates the ability for the team to tangibly see this character on a daily basis. Additional leadership duties like consideration and management of emotions are becoming more important in the leader-membership interaction per Meike, Jacobs Soares (2012). As these duties increase so will the need for leaders to develop empathetic skills with regard to their staff. This will include appreciation, trust and open communication. Per Fuller and Green (2005), leaders are responsible for embedding strategy in the organization by developing an excellent team, picking the right roles and allowing the rest of the team to make the strategic moves. This requires teams that can function in unison with high level of collaboration. Lack of communication will cause a disjointed approach affecting the vision of the organization ultimately impacting the firm’s success. Hoffman, Bynum, Piccolo and Sutton (2011) noted that transformational leaders are able to articulate a vision that emphasizes the way in which collective goals are consonant with follower values, causing followers to regard organizational goals as their own and submit extra effort toward goals and accomplishments. This sets the groundwork for a culture of inclusion within an organization. When strong unified behavior, values and beliefs have been developed, a strong organizational cultures does emerge per Tsai (2011). Leaders have a primary role in growing and upholding the firm’s culture. It encourages performance and leads to long lasting job satisfaction. When this is not present, organizations will see increased conflict, reduced dialogue between managers and teams and a progressively dysfunctional environment. According to social identify theory, unfair treatment from supervisors may arouse a negative identification which in turn leads employees’ negative behaviors in organizations as outlined by Duan, Lam, Chen and Zhong (2010). This emphasizes the pattern of negative leadership behavior that has the ability to funnel throughout the entire organization is not addressed. Recommendation for Strengthening Leadership Behavior Leadership is a dynamic, ever changing role and requires the leader to be aware of her own behavior and the potential impacts of this behavior on the team. In this situation, the leader needs to understand the value of leading by example. For the team to utilize the leader for her depth of knowledge and broader perspective, a level of reliability needs to be established. From a time management standpoint, simple steps like sharing the leader’s calendar with direct reports could alleviate this issue on a go-forward. This type of planning and organization will benefit the leader as well as the staff’s perception of her abilities and character. Interpersonal skills like active listening, feedback and conflict resolution are critical as well for any leader. Being able to engage her direct reports and the larger staff in a meaningful way will allow for the team dynamic to shift to a positive state. These relationships can be developed through mentoring and engaging the direct reports in projects or other work the leader is responsible for providing insight to her managers of the next level and current challenges of the firm. This end to end view develops the direct reports as well as building a more full bodied relationship with the leader. The impact to the organization also needs a voice n acknowledging the effects of this negative behavior. The leader is accountable for the resulting impacts of any action they take while representing the firm. In this case, the lower performance and higher attrition are concrete costs to the organization. The leader needs to answer for the consequences ofher behavior to a higher power like senior management, stock holders or similar. Conclusion Negative leadership behavior comes in many forms and lack of communication is one of the most pervasive. This paper provides an example of this type of negative leadership and the effects to the staff and organization. It also provides an outline of productive steps to modify the leader’s behavior and limit the adverse impacts in the future. References Duan, J. , Lam, W. , Chen, Z. , Zhong, J. A. (2010). Leadership justice, negative organizational behaviors, and mediating effect of affective commitment. Social Behavior and Personality, 38(9), 1287-1296. doi: 10. 2224/sbp. 2010. 38. 9. 1287 Drucker, P. (1954). The practice of management. New York, NY: Harper Row. Fuller, J. N. , Green, J. C. (2005). The leader’s role in strategy. Graziadio Business Review, 8(2). Retrieved from http://gbr. pepperdine. edu/2010/08/the-leaders-role-in-strategy/ Hoffman, B. J. , Bynum, B. H. , Piccolo, R. F. , Sutton, A. W. (2011). Person-organization value Congruence: How transformational leaders influence work group effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, 54(4), 779-796. Meike, S. , Jacobs, K. , Soares, M. M. (2012). Emotions and leadership. Reason and impact of emotions in the organizational context. Work, 41, 5671-5673. doi 10. 3233/WOR-2012-0915-5671 Tsai, Y. (2011). Relationship between organizational culture, leadership behavior and job satisfaction. BMC Health Services Research, 11(1), 98-106. doi: 10. 1186/1472-6963-11-98
Thursday, November 14, 2019
An Investigation of GAME :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
An Investigation of GAME The organisation I have chosen to investigate is Europe’s leading specialist retailer of computer software and video games, GAME. They operate from over 500 stores, concessions, and franchises in four territories in Europe. As a specialist, they have certain unique attribute that gives them the edge over their competitors. They are mainly due to: * Their customer friendly policies – in the GAME store, all members of staff are required to be friendly and polite to customers; even to customers that are rude and unpleasant. * Unrivalled product knowledge – the GAME Company has knowledge of all the latest products before their rivals. Especially because the company is the top seller of games and consoles. The manufacturing companies want to sell their products to companies that solely do retail in the visual entertainment department and the games/consoles department. They want companies with these requirements because they don’t want other products that do not relate to the product that they are selling. They do not want the customers to be distracted by other items. GAME has met these requirements with ease. * Pre-owned programme – this allows customers to bring in old games or consoles or accessories that they no longer use, but are fully functional, for an exchange for something else. They would be given a value for their product and then the customer will be allowed to deduct that amount away when they are making their purchase of the in-store items. * Pre-orders – customers are allowed to pre-order their product, so they are guaranteed a copy of their product. They are allowed to receive their products on the day it was released. This ensures the manufacturers of how many copies of their product they have to send to the GAME store for the customers that pre-ordered and also extra for the customers that go to the store to purchase their products. * Local price promise – this offer allows the customers to be assured that they are paying a reasonable price for their product and are not being made to pay more than the value of the product. Sometimes the GAME Company makes the price of their products lower than other companies to make sure more customers come to their shops. * 10-day returns policy - GAME has this unique offer, which allows customers ten days to try out the game or hardware they have bought. If the customers are not satisfied then they can return they’re product for something else or a refund, providing they have their receipt. * Widest range of software and accessories – the GAME Company has access to all the current software and accessories that are
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
People Should Sometimes Do Things That Do Not Enjoy Essay
Some people try to avoid some things that they dislike or don’t enjoy doing them. From my point of view, everyone wants to be successful, but unfortunately, not everyone is successful and it’s not easy to achieve success. You have to work hard and do the right things which can let yourself closer to the goal. Because these things are necessary for us, are linked to our future, and are related to our families or friends. For instance, not everyone likes to exercise, but exercise is good for our health and so we should all do it anyway. Likewise, not many people enjoy going to see a dentist or a doctor, but it is good for us to take care of ourselves, so we should all visit dentists and doctors regularly for a checkup. Another reason is that, at times, the things we dislike are necessary. Students must take tests ins groups to complete their studies, and everyone must work ins groups to make a living. And finally, doing things we dislike can also open up new possibilities for us. Most people can probably remember hating a certain food when they were children even though they enjoy that same food now. So, when we do things we dislike, we may discover something we do like along the way, or simply find a better way to deal with the things we must do. Secondly, studying is the one of the example. Some people do not think that studying is not interesting but most children think studying is not interesting. However, children have to study while they are students. As they grow up, they will find it interesting to study and what they learn while they are students will be useful in their future. You hate to take tests but you have to in order to pass the class. That is something that you hate and you cannot avoid it because we don’t have any control over our lives that we cannot just do whatever things we want to do. My next point is, working or doing housework is also absolutely necessary especially for people who have children. If father does not have a job, they cannot earn money. If mother does not do housework, the house will be messy. Each of them has their own role to support their family. Many things that people instinctively hate to do will actually benefit them in the long run. A basketball states personal experience is a good example. He likes running when he was child. When he was in high school, he joins the track and field team. By a chance, he met a basketball coach and was asked if he wanted to become an occupational basketball player. Although he was not interested in playing basketball, nevertheless, his parents told him that doing something he hated to do might change his whole life in a good way. By taking the advice of his parents, he went to the basketball team and now he turned out be extremely successful! For another example, we are not always interested to move different places. In fact, we will have more opportunities of improving our lives by moving around. As President Kennedy pointed out, â€Å"Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future. †In conclusion, people must do things they do not enjoy doing. Even if they hate it very, sometimes they have no choice but to go through it. After doing it perhaps they feel sense of achievement. This feeling is what I want you to feel. People who went through such harsh times are mentally strong. Therefore, I think people really need to do things they actually do not want to.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
King’s attitude towards slavery Essay
Reconciliation struck King as divinely just, and he recommended the same practice for the United States. He suggested that this was the only moral and practical way to bring the Negro’s stand-ups to a realistic level. Reconciliation in the form of compensation was such a good idea in King’s mind because the practice would support the freedom of the human personality and lead to a just society. He also believed that it would make freedom real and substantial for the black people. He never believed that the mere absence of desegregated public accommodations would fully free the human personality and establish a just society. Although many whites were against him, he began to emphasize his belief that real and substantial freedom as well as the mandates of the just society, require not desegregated public facilities but also the economic goods that would allow blacks to use such facilities. King equated freeing the blacks and leaving them just like that to giving a pair of shoes to a man who has not learned to walk. His point was that freedom from desegregation requires the material goods to enjoy freedom from integration. King’s own response to the Johnson administration was to post for state atonement for the Disadvantaged. In King’s view, just as the state properly compensated World War II veterans for the time they spent away from their home, jobs, so too should it compensate blacks for their years of enslavement. He argued that only a few people considered the fact that in addition to being enslaved for two centuries, the Negro was during all those years, robbed of wages of his toil. He believed that no amount of gold could provide adequate compensation for the psychological turmoil caused by slavery, but that a price could be placed upon unpaid wages. King’s extra marital affairs It is clear that King did a lot of good deeds, most of which were based on pure ethical standards. However, there are some ethical challenges that were hard for him, and the most common is the sexual relationships with many women. Two years after King married his wife Coretta, he began his work in the civil rights movement. He left his young wife and baby to pursue endeavors that would take him far from home, putting aside his wife, and while he was home, he spent a lot of time on the phone. His friends who were worried of what these extramarital affairs would do to his reputation cautioned him about the importance of avoiding the appearance of wrongdoing. They also cautioned him that due to his prominence, he would become the target of those seeking to discredit him. He was also warmed that women could become his downfall if he failed to resist this temptation. King failed to take these warnings. By the time he won the Nobel Peace Price of 1964, his relations with women outside his marriage were far from secret. Wiley Branton, a close associate of King approached him about the subject when he was unable to ignore the rumors. He told king that colleagues had expressed concern over his behavior and were worried that he was going to get hurt, but King was unresponsive. The topic again came up with another friend, and this time King responded that because he was away from home the majority of each month, sex served as a way to reduce his anxiety. King’s attitude towards money While king had a hard time resisting sexual temptation, the temptation to profit from his fame was by no means a temptation for him. He had never bee influenced by the prospect of making money. In fact, while in college he had developed an opposition to his father’s concern with money. His lack of desire for material possessions increased after he visited India. Even his wife sensed a change in him. She said that this growing selflessness had led to his increasingly dismissive attitude toward his clothing and appearance, which up until then he had taken pride in. Since his college years at the Morehouse, King had enjoyed nice clothing. His selflessness also affected the financial status of SCLC. When he won the Nobel Peace Prize, he donated the price money to the group, despite the objection of his wife. She wanted to put some of the money aside for college for their children, but King insisted that the money go in full to the SCLC. Later, when two board members suggested that he accept a salary from the organization, King declined the offer. He explained that his income from Ebenezer Baptist church and the sum that he kept from speaking and writing was enough to support his family. Conclusion Due to King’s legacy as a man of good man, his shadow persisted even after his assassination. The poor people’s campaign initially was identified with the martyred prophet, not with his successor. The goals King established, especially for the campaign of equality among the whites and the blacks were probably unreachable, but King-the-symbol remained untarnished by failure. In addition to the charisma of his leadership, King had clear strategies for achieving goals. He believed that besides the use of legal tactics, the federal government was a necessary ally. King believed that because of man’s sinfulness, a restraining force was needed. According to him, it was the government that could counteract collective evil. His ultimate goal in many of his campaigns was to force the federal government to act. Time after time, his strategy worked. From the term paper, it is clear that his leadership was two fold. He was able to mobilize blacks, while at the same time appealing to the consciousness of the whites. King’s influence was as a result of several factors. To African Americans, his background was rooted in the black community, he was a Baptist preacher, and his academic training combined with religious faith provided the leadership skills he needed. To white Americans, he was an African American with the extraordinary ability to convince them of the evil of segregation. His words carried a powerful punch that, while what he was saying about segregation was not new, he stirred a moral awakening. Cementing his position was his leadership through nonviolent resistance, which appealed to decency and the commonality of humanity that, until then, had been ignored. Reference 1) Long M. G. (2002). Against us, but for us: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the state. California; Mercer University Press
Thursday, November 7, 2019
TITLE essays
TITLE essays The Sony PlayStation 2 and the Xbox have been competing for a good while now. Some people prefer the Xbox and some people believe the PlayStation2 is better, because the PlayStation2's is the leading game console on the market. This concludes that the PlayStation 2 is in the leading game console being sold and the Xbox is far behind not only in numbers, but also in performance. According to Steven Kent fromGame Console Wars Continue To Rage? USA Today, the PlayStation2 is one of the best game systems on the market today (2). It has about 150 + games to choose from for all different levels and age groups. The Xbox only came up with 40 games to choose from. Kent later describes how the Microsoft Xbox didn't have many game consoles available and the price was more as well, on the other hand Sony PlayStation 2 sold well over 2.8 billion copies in December 2000 (2). Sony sold so many PlayStation2's they had to give people rain checks until Sony could produce enough to satisfy the customers demand. This shows that PlayStation2 is plentiful and it has a large library of games to choose from. Where as the Xbox is not plentiful and it has a limited number of games to choose from. One of the biggest things consumers look for in a video game system is the controller. It will be in the person's hands all the time any time the game is being played. And for some reason Microsoft super sized the xboxes controller, which tells the consumer to stay away from that game system. Many consumers do not like really big controllers. This is the point where the consumer looks to the shelf next to the Xbox and finds the PlayStation 2 with nice sized controllers. In doing this most of the consumer can judge which game system to purchase simply by palming the controller, although controllers aren't the only thing consumers look for in a video game system. They also look for the number of games made fo ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Excellent paper writing is real with us!
Excellent paper writing is real with us! Writing an Excellent Paper – You Need a Blueprint Constructing a bridge without a blueprint would constitute stupidity, because it would result in a faulty structure that would probably fail. And making an attempt at writing a paper without a blueprint that outlines the steps is just as ridiculous. Just as a blueprint guides a construction crew through a step-by-step process, so does one for construction of a scholarly research paper. You can’t skip any of the steps and still expect an excellent result. Step One: Pick your topic. While this may seem like an easy step, you may actually end up feeling like Goldilocks in the home of the three bears. One will be too broad and another will be too narrow. You will have to find one that is â€Å"just fight†for the length parameters your instructor has given. One way to do this is to take a look at sample papers on the internet, in your broader content area, that meet the breadth and depth of what you need and that interests you. And do pick a topic you like – the entire production process will be drudgery if you don’t. Step Two: The research. Your search for appropriate resources can begin on the Internet, using specific keywords related to our topic. Now here is the thing about resources. Your instructor or professor will want a variety – one or two books, two-three journal articles, and the perhaps one or two sources solely available on the Internet. You will not have a problem finding resource titles, but you do have to sort the â€Å"junk†from the respected sources. Check out the authors of any source you are considering, so that you know they have credentials to be considered authorities on the topic. Since most campus libraries are online, a lot of current resources are accessible from your home or dorm room, but you may have to actually enter the structure and check out a book or two! Be careful as you take notes, so that you have your resource information included for citation later on. And, if you have a good app for doing so, you can organize your notes by sub-topic, and the combining of different resources on one sub-topic is done for you. If you are unsure about sub-topics to include again, look at a sample paper or two online, and see what sub-topics others have used. Step Three: Get a thesis. What is the purpose for you writing this paper? If your writing paper assignment is to persuade, then you probably already have a thesis – your opinion. But, once the research is done, what do you see as important for a reader to learn about this topic? If you are writing about artificial intelligence, for example, what are the great benefits and what are the potential dangers? If you are writing about the Vietnam War, was it worth the cost in lives and money? You need to make a point with your paper, and your thesis statement comes from your response and your reaction to what you have researched. Step Four: Paper writing cannot begin until you have the most important part of your blueprint in place – your outline. Now, this does not have to be a formal one. In fact, remember how your organized those subtopics? They really are the basis for your organizational structure, so look at them and determine the sequence in which they should be presented. Now, take each sub-topic and read through the information and/or data from your research. Combine pieces of information that are related, and these â€Å"sub-sub topics†will be your paragraphs for that section of your paper. Step Five: The writing. You’re now ready to write the rough draft of the body of your paper. Be considerate of your reader, and use headings for each sub-topic – it keeps his/her thoughts organized (and your professor will be impressed). If you have not yet bought a style-check app, you should do so. It does much more than just a simple Word grammar check, and it will help you â€Å"clean-up†all those poorly structured sentences as you write. Here’s a few other tips for your writing: Don’t use a vocabulary that is â€Å"beyond your years,†and don’t try to impress with lengthy and highly complex sentences. Pretend that you are writing this paper for a fellow student. So, if there are terms that are not commonly known, define them. Don’t use slang and jargon unless it is in a quote. Don’t use contractions as I am using here! They are not appropriate in formal writing. Limit the direct quotes you use to those that are really impactful. Step Six: The Final Draft. Editing and proofreading is a task best accomplished in two ways. If you are doing your own proofreading, put the paper aside for at least 12 hours and do something else (like sleep). This will allow you to be more objective when you do review it. The other and better option is to have someone else review it – you can trade-off with another student and edit each other’s papers, if you are both pretty good writers. The paper has to flow logically, and someone else will pick up issues with coherence that you will not. Step Seven: The Style Format. Your in-text and end-of-text citations must be according to the required style, so do not get sloppy with this. And be certain that your title page, pagination, font, margins, etc. are in compliance. It’s those little things that keep a professor happy! A paper that is worthy of a good grade can only be produced by using all of these steps. You really cannot â€Å"cut corners,†and that is why paper writing consumes so much time. If you don’t have the time or if you really dislike your topic, you will not prepare a scholarly piece of writing. In these instances, you are probably better served contacting a custom paper writing service and getting some help.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Self Assessment Analysis Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Self Assessment Analysis - Speech or Presentation Example I had a problem of making eye contact with my audience ever since I started delivering as a public speaker. But after making gradual attempts of delivering speeches in front of my friends I have improved on the aspect of eye contact. I can now successfully look into the eyes of audience for a bit but then again I tend to feel some kind of problem when looking at the audience for long. Hence it can be said that the aspect of eye contact has improved but it still needs some work. The problem of nervousness when delivering speeches is the most formidable task to handle. It is because of this nervousness that I used to stutter when delivering my speeches. Over time I practiced my speeches and gave them in front of my close acquaintances so that I could work on the problem. When I delivered the speech in front of them I did not face any problem of nervousness whereas when I delivered the speech while being on the stage I began to face the same problem again. Thus it can be said that I hav e some kind of stage fear which can only go if I believe in myself. In other words I should build up on my self confidence level so that I can deliver in front of a huge crowd. Organization of speech is also an important perspective which should be kept in mind when delivering different speeches. It is this organization which helps the audience understands the root and theme of the speech being given. A public speaker should know how to organize and deliver the speech in accordance so that the audience can feel the theme provided by him. I have learned the art of organization and can easily use this skill to organize my speech accordingly. When I deliver my speech these days I tend to use this skill and impress my audience through this organization. When delivering a speech it is important that the public speaker connects himself to the audience so that they can understand what he is actually trying to convey through his speech. Connecting to the audience can be done through differe nt aspects out of which looking into the eyes is an important one. The audience should see my expression when I deliver the speech and this would help them to connect to my inner feelings. As a public speaker I have realized that I can connect to the audience and express my inner feelings to them. It is through this technique that the audience appreciates the speeches that I give. Although I have not mastered this aspect I have gained experience in utilizing the technique. However I still need to work on it and gain more experience so that I can connect fully to the audience when delivering my speech. All these aspects are not yet mastered by me but over time I have improved myself in all these aspects. Gradually with a little more practice I believe that I would be able to master them and successfully deliver as a public speaker. I need to learn more techniques regarding speaking and have to take guidelines from experienced public speakers. I need to learn different ways through wh ich I would be able to successfully deliver a speech like professional public speakers and for such a thing I need to
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